Wednesday 23 September 2015

Gluten free dupe for 'Harvest Chewee' bars.

Anyone remember eating these when they were younger and possibly not yet gluten free?
If you have never tried Harvest Chewee bars, they are sweet, soft, chewy (sort of in the name), cereal bars which are great for children's lunchboxes. And thankfully I have found a gluten free option which I believe tastes pretty much the same!

The gluten free version are 'Nature's Path Nice and Nobbly Dark Chocolate Chip Granola Bars'.
They are currently £3 in ASDA.
I am rating them green, simply because I believe they taste just as good as other cereal bars on the market. 

The only disadvantage to this product is the price, as I think that £3 for 5 bars is quite a lot. However this is the same for many, many gluten free products, not just with this one. The topic of overpriced gluten free products is one which I feel strongly about and could discuss for days, and I am sure many of you feel exactly the same. 

Thanks for reading this very short review everyone. If any of you have any views on the pricing of gluten free products, please share them in the comments!
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 16 September 2015

My gluten free friends, please stop what you're doing and read this!

So remember that review I did a few weeks ago on Bfree's gluten free wraps?
If not then don't worry because there's a new kid on the block....

Warburtons Newburn Bakehouse Gluten free, Wheat free, Dairy free White Wraps
I discovered these at the weekend and was blown away by how good they were.
The pack of 4 wraps will be £2.49 (saving you 50p) in Tesco until the 5th of October so I urge you to go and try them out. You will not be disappointed!

If you haven't guessed already, I am rating this product a very bright green.
Unlike the last wraps I reviewed, these guys have the same floury, soft texture as the normal variety.
They taste great and are tasty for lunch filled with anything you fancy.
I  cut them into 4  on Saturday night and ate them with duck, plum sauce, spring onions and cucumber, instead of the gluten-containing pancakes that normally accompany this dish, and it tasted extremely good!

I hope you all found this blog helpful and are planning a trip to Tesco a.s.a.p to get some of these!
Thanks again,
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Mixing up lunchtime with Warburton's sandwich thins!

Warburtons Newburn Bakehouse Sliced White Sandwich Thins

These smart little things are relatively new to the supermarket shelves.
They are currently rolled back to £1.70 in ASDA, saving you 50p.
So go grab some now because they are getting a green rating!

 Let's face it, noone really likes a sandwich made with a not-so-good gluten free loaf, I know that I always end up picking away at the bread.
I think these are a great option at lunchtime, they have a really great flavour and I actually look forward to eating them for my lunch.I particularly like these thins packed full with my favourite fillings, such as tuna and sweetcorn  I also love them toasted in my George Foreman grill!

There is also a seeded variety of the thins and the more recent variety of "Sliced fruity thins with orange" which are great for breakfast, topped with marmalade or nutella.

That's about all folks!
Check back again next week for another review and please follow my twitter if you haven't already.
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Thursday 3 September 2015

Gold star Udi's!

Udi's Gluten Free Chocolate Chip and Toffee Flavoured Muffins
These fabulous muffins come in at a price of £1.50 in ASDA.
As you can probably tell, I am extremely pleased that I popped these in my basket this week...

These definitely deserve a green rating. They are by far the best shop-bought muffins I have had the pleasure of eating since becoming a gluten free freak. 
Unfortunately for those of you who are also dairy free, these muffins are out of bounds. However, I am almost sure that this is what makes them so good!

When you open the packet you will discover that one muffin is actually toffee flavoured and the other is chocolate chip. For a start I think this is a great idea as if only one person is gluten free it gives them a bit of variety. 
The muffins themselves are soft and moist, with an almost madeira like sponge. They are really all you could expect from a gluten free muffin, and I would say these muffins would be classed as yummy in anyone's standards (even those lucky, "normal" people). Also the chocolate chips being real chocolate, due to the fact that the muffins are not dairy free, makes that muffin extra scrummy and gives it a great advantage to any other gluten free muffin I have tried.

I urge you all to try these delicious little (or not so little) treats, and I really hope you all love them as much as I do!
Thanks again for reading everyone and I apologise again that this weeks review is a day late.
Your Gluten Free Reviewer 

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Do Genius' croissants pass the test?

Genius Gluten free croissants
These croissants have been around for a little while now.
They currently cost £1.80 for a pack of 2 in ASDA.

Before being diagnosed with coeliac disease I was a very big breakfast fan. I loved french toast, pancakes, crepes and especially croissants! So for this reason maybe my expectations for this product are too high. Meaning I'm a little bit harsher reviewing the croissants.

Bearing this in mind I would give the croissants an amber rating. Due to the fact that the outside of these croissants is perfectly flakey once cooked and the taste is actually pretty good. However the one thing I really don't like about the croissants is the way they cook. The ends tend to be cooked well, however once I get to the middle of the croissant it is nearly raw, which obviously is not very pleasant. I have tried many different methods of cooking the croissant but I am still disappointed with the end result everytime. Therefore I think Genius need to make a few modifications in order for this product to be absolutely fabulous.

Thanks for reading everyone!
Please follow me on twitter if you haven't already to get updates about the blog.
On another note I'm still waiting for info from Schar on their upcoming changes, I will let you know as soon as I find out!
Thanks again,
Your Gluten Free Reviewer xoxo

Wednesday 19 August 2015

As promised, more from Lidl!

Lidl's Just Free Gluten Free Chocolate Cake

This is another product from Lidl's new 'Just Free' range of gluten free products.
It comes in at a price of £2.99.
I'm giving this cake an amber rating.

I saw this cake while in my nearest store last week and thought I'd give it a try, seeing as I've enjoyed other items in this range (check out my previous review of the black and white pudding).
This cake really does have a homemade look and smell, although some may find it a little disappointing.
Personally I think the taste of the cake is great, however the texture is slightly crumbly and it is a little dry. Although I have found if you pop a slice in the microwave for a few seconds it seems less dry and is enjoyable with a cup of tea (while watching The Great British Bakeoff).

All in all I do think this cake is yummy but if you decide to buy it don't expect it to be quite like the real thing.

Thanks for giving this review a read everyone and please check out next Wednesday's review to find out whether Genius' croissants are worth the try!
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Monday 17 August 2015

Now this is just unfair!

This year I was on holiday in Barcelona and the small island of Menorca.

I had heard a rumour that in the supermarkets of Barcelona I would find a lot more gluten free products than I'm used to seeing here. However that did not prepare me for what a saw in the gluten free section of El Corte Ingles. At first I wasn't overly impressed, it was similar to what I see on a daily basis. But then I saw what all the fuss was about...

The Frozen Section!

There were crusty rolls, super thin, Italian style, pizzas, cornetto-like ice creams, lasagnes, croissants and more!

Although as I was only staying in Barcelona for four days I simply did not get to try any of these marvellous products. It's safe to say I was extremely dissapointed.

Menorca is where I spend most of my Summer holidays. I was there last year and the gluten free section didn't overly impress me, so, for this reason, I was not expecting to see what I did. This tiny little island had so many more products on the supermarket shelves in 1 short year year!

So I purchased and tried as much as I could!

From the sweet brioche breads to the beautifully thin pizzas I was in my element. Although a lot of the products mentioned can be found on the shelves at home, they simply do not compare. I felt like I was eating normal crusty bread and the variety of biscuits was great!

And the company to thank for all this enjoyment is Dr. Schar...

Yep, you read right, that is the same company that, in the UK provides us with not so impressive "ciabatta" bread and strange, crumbly sausage rolls.

This is the section of the frozen products which I saw in most supermarkets on holiday.

So why is it that the rest of Europe is further advanced than we are when it comes to gluten free?

Well, according to Dr. Schar the brand's UK name 'DS' will be changed and a bigger range of products will be available in the UK from September. I wonder will this bring a change to the quality of the UK products or is this simply a new marketing technique? Well until then if you're abroad definitely pop some of these products in your basket!

I know this post is slightly different but I hope you liked it! And please let me know what you think. Is the variety and quality of products better where you are? Or have you visited somewhere else and been amazed? Let me know in the comments.
Many thanks,
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Warburtons farmhouse loaf. Sounds tasty?

Warburtons Newburn Bakehouse Gluten & Wheat Free White Farmhouse Loaf

This is a loaf that I hadn't previousy purchased but on trial I was pleasantly surprised.
It's currently on offer in Sainsbury's for £2.50 which saves you 50p!
So grab it quick because I rate it Green!

Before I ate this loaf it looked as though it might be quite dry and not overly soft but it was the opposite.
The loaf does have that classic farmhouse bread look. It has a lovely soft texture, complemented by the tasty, thick crust.
My one complaint is that the bread has a tendency to stick to the roof of your mouth, however this often happens with white loaves which do contain and gluten.
So as far as gluten free loaves go, this one is pretty good.

Thanks for reading again everyone and remember to follow my twitter, instagram and pinterest accounts for updates on the latest posts.
Also check the blog for an extra post this week about the products I found while on holiday!
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 5 August 2015

This week we're talking wrap replacement with 'BFree'.

BFree Gluten free wraps.
This is an item which often finds its way in to my trolley during the weekly shop.
It comes at a price of £2.80 for 6 wraps.

I enjoy this product as a lunchtime alternative to a sandwich, however do not expect these wraps to be anything like the soft, floury ones like you used to get because you will be disappointed. However I feel that the product still deserves to be awarded amber.

The wraps can be yummy if packed full with sandwich fillers. They also are great for making fajitas and quesadillas. So I do recommend giving them a try, just as long as you're prepared that they're not going to be like a classic, 'normal' wrap.

Hope you all found this helpful.
Please leave feedback and if you have heard of any products that you would like me to investigate and try out please let me know in the comments!
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Lidl does gluten free. Who knew?

Lidl Gluten free black and white pudding

This is just one of many items in Lidl's new 'Just Free' range.
This pudding comes in at a price of just £0.89!

This product's a good'en everyone. 
Itndefinitely deserves to be awarded green.

The taste, texture and smell of this product is exactly the same as that of normal black and white pudding. I found no fault with it and thoroughly enjoyed it, so those of you who like a bit of pudding with your fry, definitely head down to your nearest Lidl store to purchase this.

I will be trying many more of Lidl's new range so keep your eye out for more posts if your interested!
Thanks for reading :)
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Crumpets anyone?

Genius Gluten Free Crumpets.
These crumpets have been around for a while.
They are currently £1.28 for a pack of 4 crumpets, which is reasonably cheap, however I would keep your cash in your wallet.

I rate this product red. It's a no go.

The crumpets have a dry texture, and aren't very soft at all. They have, what I would call, the 'gluten free flavour' and are in no way similar to a 'normal' crumpet.
To make these crumpets in any way edible they need to be toasted and covered in jam (or a similar topping).

Sorry to disappoint any hopeful crumpet-lovers but this product is not worth the try.
 Hope you found this review helpful and remember to check back again next week to see  what Lidl has to offer!
 Thanks again!
 Your Gluten Free Reviewer 

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Chocolate lovers read on...

Marks and Spencer's new chocolate fudge cake

Green, green, green!

This cake is very new in Marks and Spencer's.
It costs £3.50 currently, but believe me it's worth it!

Okay so this may be a product that I got slightly excited about.
Why? You ask. 
As all us gluten free freaks know (well maybe not the super healthy ones) there are a lot of gluten free chocolate cakes on the market and you would probably think while looking at this new one on the shelf, "Is this any different to the rest?"

Yes. Yes it is.

I was given this cake at a party and when I bit in to it the texture and flavour were so good that I actually had to check if it was gluten free!

The only fault I have is that there is slightly too much icing, however I think that's just personal preference

I strongly recommend that you pop this in to your basket next time you're in store, especially if you've been on a similar quest to me for a great chocolate fudge cake.

P.s. It's very good heated slightly in the microwave.

Once again I hope you all found this helpful. Please like, comment and share, all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Also follow me on instagram, pinterest and twitter to be kept up to date with my latest blog posts.
Check back this time next week to see what's next.
Many thanks! 
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Wednesday 8 July 2015

First up... Genius Lemon and Poppyseed Muffins

Genius Lemon and Poppyseed Muffins
These muffins are relatively new to the shelves.
They come in a pack of 2 and there is also a blueberry variety.
Currently in ASDA supermarket this pack of muffins is £1.80.

I am rating this product amber.  
I did enjoy the muffins, however for some people the muffin may be too dry and the grittiness of the poppyseeds throughout may be off-putting. Also these muffins are not overly sweet so I prefer them for a weekend breakfast with a cup of coffee rather than a sweet snack.
All in all I think these muffins are worth trying especially as they are not just as pricey as others.

So there we have it. As promised a super quick and direct review. Hope you all found it helpful. Please share, subscribe and leave comments on any other products you would like me to check out for you all!
Another review next Wednesday everyone so please check back then!
Many thanks!
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

Monday 6 July 2015

Gluten Free Brands... lets see what you've got!

Unlike most others, this blog is not about me. This blog is, simply, for all of you who are gluten free. 

The demand for gluten free products is increasing each day thanks to; high profile celebs, such as Gywenth Paltrow and Miley Cyrus adopting the gluten free diet and encouraging the rest of the nation to do so, and the diagnoses for conditions such as coeliacs disease being much more rapid and accurate than ever before.

Gwyneth Paltrow's second recipe book featuring a recipe for 'Gluten Free Granola'.

The gluten free market is now estimated to be worth £175m, according to Cliff Carter, the general manager of bakery brand Mrs Crimble's

This fact is what worries me. 

Free From aisle at Tesco store.

The many companies now producing gluten free and wheat free products; Warburtons, Genius, Udis and even the supermarkets themselves with their "Free From" ranges, are in a bid to win our money. However in my opinion due to this rush to release new products quality is often compromised. It seems that the lesson I was often taught at school "Quality over quantity" is no longer applicable, and 'all us gluten free lot' are the ones at a loss.

I intend to solve this problem. Why should you end  up out of pocket because you really thought Marks and Spencer's new free from chocolate cake would be the one to end your search for great gluten free indulgence?

I intend to build up a collection of  no nonsense gluten free product reviews. The reviews will be short, direct and quick to read. The products will be those found in the shops and supermarkets of the UK that I will trial and test so you no longer have to waste your money on crappy, crumbly products.

The first review will arrive to you on Wednesday, so please check it out!
Feel free to leave comments. I greatly appreciate any feedback!

Many thanks!
Your Gluten Free Reviewer