Wednesday 15 July 2015

Chocolate lovers read on...

Marks and Spencer's new chocolate fudge cake

Green, green, green!

This cake is very new in Marks and Spencer's.
It costs £3.50 currently, but believe me it's worth it!

Okay so this may be a product that I got slightly excited about.
Why? You ask. 
As all us gluten free freaks know (well maybe not the super healthy ones) there are a lot of gluten free chocolate cakes on the market and you would probably think while looking at this new one on the shelf, "Is this any different to the rest?"

Yes. Yes it is.

I was given this cake at a party and when I bit in to it the texture and flavour were so good that I actually had to check if it was gluten free!

The only fault I have is that there is slightly too much icing, however I think that's just personal preference

I strongly recommend that you pop this in to your basket next time you're in store, especially if you've been on a similar quest to me for a great chocolate fudge cake.

P.s. It's very good heated slightly in the microwave.

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Check back this time next week to see what's next.
Many thanks! 
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

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