Wednesday 26 August 2015

Do Genius' croissants pass the test?

Genius Gluten free croissants
These croissants have been around for a little while now.
They currently cost £1.80 for a pack of 2 in ASDA.

Before being diagnosed with coeliac disease I was a very big breakfast fan. I loved french toast, pancakes, crepes and especially croissants! So for this reason maybe my expectations for this product are too high. Meaning I'm a little bit harsher reviewing the croissants.

Bearing this in mind I would give the croissants an amber rating. Due to the fact that the outside of these croissants is perfectly flakey once cooked and the taste is actually pretty good. However the one thing I really don't like about the croissants is the way they cook. The ends tend to be cooked well, however once I get to the middle of the croissant it is nearly raw, which obviously is not very pleasant. I have tried many different methods of cooking the croissant but I am still disappointed with the end result everytime. Therefore I think Genius need to make a few modifications in order for this product to be absolutely fabulous.

Thanks for reading everyone!
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On another note I'm still waiting for info from Schar on their upcoming changes, I will let you know as soon as I find out!
Thanks again,
Your Gluten Free Reviewer xoxo

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