Monday 17 August 2015

Now this is just unfair!

This year I was on holiday in Barcelona and the small island of Menorca.

I had heard a rumour that in the supermarkets of Barcelona I would find a lot more gluten free products than I'm used to seeing here. However that did not prepare me for what a saw in the gluten free section of El Corte Ingles. At first I wasn't overly impressed, it was similar to what I see on a daily basis. But then I saw what all the fuss was about...

The Frozen Section!

There were crusty rolls, super thin, Italian style, pizzas, cornetto-like ice creams, lasagnes, croissants and more!

Although as I was only staying in Barcelona for four days I simply did not get to try any of these marvellous products. It's safe to say I was extremely dissapointed.

Menorca is where I spend most of my Summer holidays. I was there last year and the gluten free section didn't overly impress me, so, for this reason, I was not expecting to see what I did. This tiny little island had so many more products on the supermarket shelves in 1 short year year!

So I purchased and tried as much as I could!

From the sweet brioche breads to the beautifully thin pizzas I was in my element. Although a lot of the products mentioned can be found on the shelves at home, they simply do not compare. I felt like I was eating normal crusty bread and the variety of biscuits was great!

And the company to thank for all this enjoyment is Dr. Schar...

Yep, you read right, that is the same company that, in the UK provides us with not so impressive "ciabatta" bread and strange, crumbly sausage rolls.

This is the section of the frozen products which I saw in most supermarkets on holiday.

So why is it that the rest of Europe is further advanced than we are when it comes to gluten free?

Well, according to Dr. Schar the brand's UK name 'DS' will be changed and a bigger range of products will be available in the UK from September. I wonder will this bring a change to the quality of the UK products or is this simply a new marketing technique? Well until then if you're abroad definitely pop some of these products in your basket!

I know this post is slightly different but I hope you liked it! And please let me know what you think. Is the variety and quality of products better where you are? Or have you visited somewhere else and been amazed? Let me know in the comments.
Many thanks,
Your Gluten Free Reviewer

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