Wednesday 22 July 2015

Crumpets anyone?

Genius Gluten Free Crumpets.
These crumpets have been around for a while.
They are currently £1.28 for a pack of 4 crumpets, which is reasonably cheap, however I would keep your cash in your wallet.

I rate this product red. It's a no go.

The crumpets have a dry texture, and aren't very soft at all. They have, what I would call, the 'gluten free flavour' and are in no way similar to a 'normal' crumpet.
To make these crumpets in any way edible they need to be toasted and covered in jam (or a similar topping).

Sorry to disappoint any hopeful crumpet-lovers but this product is not worth the try.
 Hope you found this review helpful and remember to check back again next week to see  what Lidl has to offer!
 Thanks again!
 Your Gluten Free Reviewer 

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